I had a look at some of the online offers for free GPS software and found, like many "free" offers there were often limitations and reservations. Often the freeware is a scale - version of the commercially available products. Sometimes the product's functionality with limited free disabled are testing other products - and are disabled after a certain time (hours or days or use).
An example of limited free GPS software can be found at GPS Utility. The downloadable freewareis limited 100 waypoints and 500 track points. (There are 65 000 subscribers in each version of their program.) The free program offers the opportunity to try before you buy, and this is the benefit of most free programs.
There are online sites that list various free GPS software and describe how to use the program after you download it. Often people who develop programs by the web sites used on their own. These are great, because it will give an unbiasedInterpretation of the advantages and disadvantages of the programs before using them.
Using free GPS software, you can use to retrieve and display aerial images, topographic maps, USGS can download points of interest. There are programs that allow you to import scanned images and add points of latitude and longitude and other data.
Free GPS software downloads are available for PDA devices that are able to communicate with GPS receivers available. With these downloads, you cana useful navigation assistant, location manager database, and GPS data converter.
Programs to manage GPS waypoint and route files are both Mac and PC. The waypoints and routes can be saved or converted to various formats used by other mapping programs.
If you need information to and from the GPS receiver and your home computer or laptop is moved, there are some free programs can do. There are also programs that allow Garmin GPSto "talk" to each recipient.
Many of the programs listed here are addressed to the community Trekker hiking, but there are free programs available for auto GPS systems and marine navigation systems. I found a couple of maritime programs for downloading on nautical charts and plotters.
There are free software GPS road maps that could not be included in your car can be downloaded - the navigation system. If you intend to download- Vehicle software, make sure that there is no audio capability, an important safety factor for motorists. One such program offers data for several countries with voice guidance in twelve languages.
Free GPS software is available for download to your mobile phone. This is mostly tracking software and can be explained by phone. Maybe you want with the operator before you download anything on your phone, be sure to check them to avoid additional charges.
As a satellite areconstantly in motion, it helps to know the optimal time for data collection in your area. There is free GPS software that includes an almanac, in order to know the availability of the satellite at a particular time.
Some of the free GPS software is very specific. Programs for a Garmin receiver may not work for Magellan, so check the specifications carefully, especially if you intend to purchase a registered version after the trial period provided. Other software works with mostBrands.